Adding more plants to your plate has been one of the very important messages we have been stressing here at Perfectly Pl@nted. Growing up, our dinners were very much plant based and at times the occasional addition of meat was an added 'bonus'. As a kid growing up, I really had no desire to eat the added beef cubes to the delicate veggie dishes my mom would make (my meat-eating father would disagree). One dish that has grown to be a favorite in my family is a Roasted Okra dish that is sauteed in diced tomatoes and onions (so yummy!). Simple, but with fresh ingredients, it is amazingly delicious. I recently went to my local grocery store, and I love shopping during summer months because our grocers will partner with local farms to supply some of their farm fresh veggies. I took a photo of what was offered and after seeing how fresh the okra was, I had to grab a bunch to make our special dish at home. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and K, okra holds strong by helping reduce chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. I'm pleased to share the recipe with you. I hope you enjoy ~ Vesime
Roasted Okra Sauté
Ingredients: 1lb okra 1 - 14.5oz can diced tomatoes 1 onion, sliced lengthwise 2 Tbsp olive oil lemon juice (to taste) salt(to taste) Directions: Trim the top and bottom ends of the okra and line along a baking sheet. Spray with an oil spray (optional) and broil for 12 minutes or until slightly brown. In a sauté pan, add 2 Tbsp olive oil (or any plant-based oil of choice), onions and cook until onions are translucent. Add diced tomatoes, salt and lemon juice and bring to a simmer. Add the roasted okra to the tomato and onion mixture and continue to simmer for another 30-45 minutes or until liquid has thickened to resemble a sauce. (Note: You may need to add some water during the cooking process, so the dish doesn't dry out.) Eat with quinoa or brown rice and enjoy!